more than my two cents

Thursday, January 19, 2006

poetry in motion...

Look Past the Mask

In my eyes, you can see the life and the death.
The tears and the triumphs
You can see my heart and my mind

My eyes show what I’m really thinking
The depths of my soul
The desires of my heart

Look into my eyes
What do you see?
Do you see the real me, or a mask?

I wear a mask to conform
To become who I am not
To try and lose myself, in this world of lonely souls

To become a shadow

I have hidden myself from you
But now my eyes betray me
They show you what I really feel

I cannot tell you what comes next
Even my heart barely knows it
I look for hope and love…

With steady gaze I look to the future, determined.
Embracing what is to come,
Yet longing for the past

When you can see what I’m thinking
In my dark and mysterious eyes
You will know me

-mari... enjoy?

p.s. feel free to criticize me or whatever... I would like to be a better poet.


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