more than my two cents

Monday, March 06, 2006

thrilling events leading up to nothing


today was a day similar to lots of other days. In fact, there was almost nothing unique about it. sometimes, when I'm depressed, I think maybe God didn't plan out my whole life, he just took random days from previous years and recycled them. I realize the possibility of this is slim to none, still I wonder.

I ate something besides salad at lunch today, and I felt good doing it. Because... salad for 10 school lunches straight is PATHETIC and starts to taste like grass and grease. how do I know? I'll tell you! well... ok, I have no idea. but I CAN IMAGINE it.

Today in Mr. Johns' class we talked about shyness. Now, I'm sure if you know mes a random acquaintance you would say that mari = shy would be an oxymoron of sorts. WELL! I am here to tell you that I am VERY SHY. Ok, not so much. but I used to be horribly shy. I think I just got sick of people ignoring me, thus evolving into the loud sometimes obnoxious Mari of today. weird, huh?

ta-ta for now....



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