and now for another view...
Yesterday I felt as if the world was ending, my heart was breaking, and I was dying. Then I woke up today to find that, sadly and happily, the world moves on without me. I guess God gives us trials and "troubles" to show us which way's up, and to show us who really cares. One thing I'm observing is my great ability to be unseen. I was at the friendship banquet last night, and it really was not too bad. The only thing was, I felt totally and completely unnoticed by my peers. I spent a portion of the night just trying to find a group of people that would notice me, include me, and talk to me. It's not easy. This gave way to a feeling of total aloneness. Have you ever felt this way? I started thinking that maybe there was something terribly wrong with me. Yes, this would explain why everyone was ignoring me, leaving me out, and goiung on with their schedules as if I didn't exist. Do I exist? am I just a blob of nothing, that only a select few can even recognize? If not, where are their hearts? can't they recognize me in my misery? Jesus commanded us to love one another, and yet at this Christian school I see nothing but prejudice and bias, perfect little people in their perfect little cliques. This is not to say I am friendless, I am very thankful for the friends I have. I just feel so OUTSIDE of everything sometimes. Is this truth, or a lie? In conclusion... the cloud has passed, but the confusion remains. what is there for me? MariE |
I feel so alone sometimes. I love all my friends, but know? I think everybody feels this way sometimes. I think that is the difference between popular people and non popular people: Most people deal with feelings of excludedness by hiding them, secluding themselves, or getting over it, or something. Others deal with it by making others feel even more excluded to make themselves feel better. Anytime you need anything, call me!! I'd post my # but this is the Internet!!
By Reina de las Madrugadas, at Saturday, March 11, 2006 7:17:00 PM
You still missed the bowler's banquet.
By Unknown, at Monday, March 13, 2006 10:18:00 PM
Thats robbie for you always there with an appropriate word of advice...
I've felt that way so many times in my life it is not even funny. I agree with jessi, but sometimes when you're with a group of your own friends and not on the outside its sooo hard to include everyone, but the next time eveyone is best friends but you, you regret it as soon as you remember the feeling, thanks for the encouragement to include others!
By turza, at Monday, March 13, 2006 10:26:00 PM
thanks, Robbie, for the note of encouragement. I can always count on YOU for a pick-me-up! *cough* sarcasm *cough*
thanks everyone for the word of encouragement.
By Mae, at Monday, March 13, 2006 10:28:00 PM
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